N° 19 - The WORLD is...
... always changing.
One day, UK is in the EU, the next day, a small majority expects to have UK out of the EU...
No need to judge if it is right or wrong: people voted and this is democracy. Maybe some would have liked to get a larger majority (in one direction or the other) to make sure the choice represents its people.
No need to judge if it is right or wrong: people voted and this is democracy. Maybe some would have liked to get a larger majority (in one direction or the other) to make sure the choice represents its people.
This is what I find amazing: 1>0 but also 2>1
The fact that democracy allows us to make a choice, thanks to this 1 vote that makes 1 group larger than the other.
This is just mathematics: 1<2 so if there are 3 persons and 2 say YES and 1 says NO , YES is the winner.
In case you analyse the situation with a total of close to 80.000.000 inhabitants: 40.000.001 is also larger than 39.999.999.
The difference in numbers is completely objective. We all agree that 1>0...
Sometimes I feel that those who are under the mathematical sign "inferior(<)" are closer to ZERO than anything else.
Of course this can be for the best sometimes; and sometimes for the worst.
It was a referendum this time in the UK... it could have been an election too.
And UK is just an image of all developed countries.
It is unfortunately not an exception...
The fact that democracy allows us to make a choice, thanks to this 1 vote that makes 1 group larger than the other.
This is just mathematics: 1<2 so if there are 3 persons and 2 say YES and 1 says NO , YES is the winner.
In case you analyse the situation with a total of close to 80.000.000 inhabitants: 40.000.001 is also larger than 39.999.999.
The difference in numbers is completely objective. We all agree that 1>0...
Sometimes I feel that those who are under the mathematical sign "inferior(<)" are closer to ZERO than anything else.
Of course this can be for the best sometimes; and sometimes for the worst.
It was a referendum this time in the UK... it could have been an election too.
And UK is just an image of all developed countries.
It is unfortunately not an exception...
Are the reasons for such "close votes" the poor choice that is given to the voters? When you have to choose between "bad" and "worse", what do you do...?
I fear that could be one of the directions of the explanation: because you feel there is no choice, you sometimes (unfortunately) decide not to vote anymore...
I fear that could be one of the directions of the explanation: because you feel there is no choice, you sometimes (unfortunately) decide not to vote anymore...
Maybe politics* are working for themselves... only.
Maybe they (only) ask themselves "How are we going to continue doing what we are doing [sometimes it feels like close to nothing :-)!] for our whole life?" And the possible answer they give themselves (the one we too often see or at least "feel") is"Let's take very few "important decisions" and keep our position for as long as possible without big movements in our quiet lives..."
And then the people have to vote for one of those...
So of course if one day comes a politician and says : "I'm so extreme that you will see that I can change things", then this politician has got a very big chance to be elected... for the best? I think not. Whatever the "extreme" direction is... Extremeis the opposite of sensible.
Because the outcome of what "extremes" can do, is what we should really fear. We should fear "extremes" even more than the people that make no choice.
Maybe they (only) ask themselves "How are we going to continue doing what we are doing [sometimes it feels like close to nothing :-)!] for our whole life?" And the possible answer they give themselves (the one we too often see or at least "feel") is"Let's take very few "important decisions" and keep our position for as long as possible without big movements in our quiet lives..."
And then the people have to vote for one of those...
So of course if one day comes a politician and says : "I'm so extreme that you will see that I can change things", then this politician has got a very big chance to be elected... for the best? I think not. Whatever the "extreme" direction is... Extremeis the opposite of sensible.
Because the outcome of what "extremes" can do, is what we should really fear. We should fear "extremes" even more than the people that make no choice.
Because too many politicians are "inactive", they open a wide gate to those who are "extreme".
To avoid this situation, sensible/rational/anti-extreme politicians should remember why the people need them: it is to MAKE CHOICES, TAKE IMPORTANT DECISIONS, CHANGE (or sometimes keep) WHAT WE USED TO DO TO MAKE IT BETTER TOMORROW.
To avoid this situation, sensible/rational/anti-extreme politicians should remember why the people need them: it is to MAKE CHOICES, TAKE IMPORTANT DECISIONS, CHANGE (or sometimes keep) WHAT WE USED TO DO TO MAKE IT BETTER TOMORROW.
We do not need politicians to be there for nothing else than shake hands... We need them to show that they care about their country, their people, their economy. And to be rational in that way.
Feeling that the rest of the world is eating your pudding and that there will be none left for you if you do not throw them out of your country is not an analysis: it is a finger in the eye... it makes you blink and believe during 3 minutes and a half that you have found a solution... It is not a solution. It's just a feeling that you defend your country against "invasion": the exact opposite of what the world is aiming at today. We like to travel, we like other countries where we might even want to stay for a while... why not?
So instead of being radical, be firm and make choices that are full of sense, not full of basic hatred.
Feeling that the rest of the world is eating your pudding and that there will be none left for you if you do not throw them out of your country is not an analysis: it is a finger in the eye... it makes you blink and believe during 3 minutes and a half that you have found a solution... It is not a solution. It's just a feeling that you defend your country against "invasion": the exact opposite of what the world is aiming at today. We like to travel, we like other countries where we might even want to stay for a while... why not?
So instead of being radical, be firm and make choices that are full of sense, not full of basic hatred.
Politicians who could show that they can discuss the points that are problematic for any country, without being extreme, that's the kind of people I'd like to vote for.
One day this kind of politicians will wake up and throw away the "old way" and start to be part of their people, their country, their WORLD.
One day this kind of politicians will wake up and throw away the "old way" and start to be part of their people, their country, their WORLD.
The WORLD is changing, please be all part of it.After the limits of the WORLD, there is nothing.
*POLITICS: my dear friend and "uncle" Bill DETTMER wrote a book where he gathered all the proverbs, sayings, quotes etc. he had met or used during all his teaching in a book called "He Said, She Said: Timeless Management Prescriptions", august 2014.
*POLITICS: my dear friend and "uncle" Bill DETTMER wrote a book where he gathered all the proverbs, sayings, quotes etc. he had met or used during all his teaching in a book called "He Said, She Said: Timeless Management Prescriptions", august 2014.
One of the unknown source wrote a definition
"Politics: comes from the Greek word 'poly' which means many, and the word 'tics' which as everybody knows is a bloodsucking parasite". Now my quote is made by memory so it might have been better written than that, sorry Bill ;-)
"Politics: comes from the Greek word 'poly' which means many, and the word 'tics' which as everybody knows is a bloodsucking parasite". Now my quote is made by memory so it might have been better written than that, sorry Bill ;-)
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